
Darkest hourworld in flames
Darkest hourworld in flames

darkest hourworld in flames

Adjusted DoW event chain of 1914: U09 now declares war on RUS five days after U08, as it happened historically.Ģ44. Solved a bug which prevented the "Sacred Union" event to fire for FRA.Ģ43. Units, and especially brigades, are now slightly cheaper (partly to reduce the gap between players and AI, which doesn't pay for brigades).Ģ42. Adjusted land unit costs and artillery soft attack values for consistency. Armee-Inspektion (6th Army HQ aka the Bavarian Army) in Lüneburg instead of Munich.Ģ41. Corrected a typing error which misplaced IV. Resolved a bug causing ENG AI to mobilize every day.Ģ40. Adjusted "Prolong term of service" event chains for FRA and BEL to ensure a smooth, more historical chronology.Ģ39. Solved the bug that prevented AI FRA to launch the Three Years Bill event chain.Ģ38. Suppressed a useless AI switch for GRE.Ģ37. Improved AI files for the countries involved in the Balkan Wars (BUL, GRE, MTN, OTT, ROM and SER).Ģ36. Edited partial mobilization events (and ENG land OOB) to make sure unlocked units would not be mixed with locked ones, as this prevented AI countries to move their mobilized units.Ģ35. Implemented 51 more cabinet events, this time related to national morale.Ģ34. Added an event to sleep OTT leader Esat Toptani once Albania gains effective independence.Ģ32. The decision is no longer bugged, and now can be fired only once.Ģ31.

darkest hourworld in flames darkest hourworld in flames

Corrected flags in the "Georgian Legion" event chain for U08 and OTT. Tweaked event chains related to the Balkan Wars to prevent various reported oddities, mostly about province distribution at the various peace treaties and event triggers.Ģ30. Added an indemnity in the terms of the Treaty of Ouchy (from ITA to OTT).Ģ29. Edited all event files to maximize engine performance.Ģ28. Tweaked IC and resource modifiers for non-national and non-owned provinces in the wake of the new colonial economic system.Ģ27. Added picture for SER minister Trifko Markovic.Ģ26. Edited mobilization events accordingly.Ģ25. Reworked land OOB for HOL on account to more accurate info. Coal, iron and rare production are now 125%, 120% and 115% of world consumption (based on total IC), respectively.Ģ24. Added resources to the main map to rebalance them after the changes to colonial resources. Planned decisions will allow colonies to produce additional resources for the mainland (target: alpha 0.08).Ģ23. Removed IC from colonies completely and reduced their resources significantly. Removed Svalbard's coal from Oslo and turned it into an offmap resource.Ģ22. Added maxspeed values to air brigades (0 values prevented air units with attachments to move).Ģ21. Edited NOR's tech teams file to add two components (mountain tactics and submarine tactics) to relevant teams as well as to correct typos.Ģ20. Revised NOR's land OOB and edited unit names file accordingly.Ģ18. Moved Horten naval base to its proper location (and with it the Norwegian fleet).Ģ17. Revised NOR starting techs following Solfall's suggestions (thanks).Ģ16. Changed FRA's reserve infantry divisions to their correct names and edited the unit names file accordingly.Ģ15. Edited unit names for SWE according to aforementioned changes.Ģ14. Edited model names for SWE (light artillery and MG's).Ģ13. Edited SWE OOB according to Hamaja's data (thanks) and changed SWE mobilization events accordingly.Ģ12. Raised agricultural tech levels for DEN (+2), NOR (+3), SWE (+2) and POR (+2) on account of fisheries.Ģ11. Austrian-Hungarian light cruisers being built at scenario start are now given the correct level (5 instead of 2).Ģ10. Corrected reported typos in config files as well as spotted errors in scenario descriptions.Ģ09. Pershing as available chief of staff for USA.Ģ08. Added 18 special decisions and events for major powers (U08, U09, OTT, FRA, ENG, RUS, ITA and USA).Ģ07. Added 42 propaganda decisions and events.Ģ06. Added 39 repression decisions and events (note: decisions turned to events before alpha 0.06 release to prevent AI to use it systematically).Ģ05. Added 10 army morale decisions and events.Ģ04. Added 19 censorship slider decisions and events.Ģ03. Added 12 hunger demonstrations events.Ģ02. Added 30 pacifist demonstrations events.ġ96. Added national morale variation system (18 events).ġ94. 1 event inactivated, 6 edited, 5 added.ġ93. Reworked the rationing system in anticipation of the national morale system. Implemented 150 scheduled cabinet changes events.ġ92. Reduced overall fort levels (and rewrote the Heavy artillery event for FRA accordingly).ġ91. Tweaked tech team skills to take account of the boosted teams available through research decisions (some of their skills were over 10).ġ90. # Alpha 0.06 (target: national morale system and cabinet events)ġ89.

Darkest hourworld in flames